REUILLE Nathalie


  • 33 (0)6 78 35 87 46
  • French

On-site services

Others :


En train: Les gares les plus proches sont celles de Chalon (24 km) sur Saône et Beaune (22 km).

Bus: Ligne 716 : Chalon-sur-Saône à Pierre-de-Bresse. Consultez le réseau Mobigo Bourgogne Franche-Comté.

Plus d'infos, sur le site de l'Office de Tourisme.

Point of Tourist Info

Passez à l'Office de Tourisme Saône Doubs Bresse.

3, Place Charvot 71350 Verdun sur le Doubs

Horaires du bureau d'information (cliquez-ici).

Téléphone: +33 (0)3 85 91 87 52


Bienvenue en Saône Doubs Bresse pour un séjour nature entre rivières et campagne. Prairies verdoyantes, champs aux différentes cultures céréalières, berges de rivières ponctuent ce territoire. Eglises, moulins, ponts, châteaux, tours, calvaires…les villages de charme regorgent de curiosités architecturales.

Pour vous aider à préparer vos déplacements en Bourgogne, consultez le réseau Mobigo Bourgogne Franche-Comté (train, bus, tram, car, vélo, covoiturage, autopartage...)


Fire department: 18


SAMU: 15


Police: 17


Medical office ...

Des mesures sanitaires exigeantes pour votre sécurité

Even if the cleanliness in our accommodation is obvious we are strengthening our cleaning and disinfection procedures, in accordance with government recommendations in force to date. We are committed to respecting the following charter in terms of prevention against Covid-19.

We are committed to:

  • Ensure the application of directives and recommendations of public authorities in the fight against Covid-19.
  • Use and make available disinfectant products.
  • Ensure that barrier gestures and recommendations are respected by all
  • Sanitary measures to welcome you in peace
  • Reinforce the cleaning and disinfection of accommodation and common areas and adapt them to the requirements and recommendations of the health authorities.
  • Favor the dematerialization of our communications, payments and invoices

We do our own cleaning according to strict hygienic rules.

Room linen (sheets and towels) are cleaned by laundry.

For a peaceful stay, everyone:

  • Respects barrier gestures and recommendations
  • Informs us if he reports symptoms